edu.arh catalog

This catalog accompanied the edu.arh exhibition. Its structure closely mimicked that of the exhibition and its three different exhibition rooms. Each section got a different full-bleed colored background, a move that helped make the structure of the book very obvious. A simple grid was used only occasionally, while the majority of the book avoids using one.

Klemen Ilovar
Boštjan Vuga
Danica Sretenović
edu.arh catalog
Front cover
Front cover
Back cover
Back cover

Text shapes were derived from exhibition signage

All the smart people via zoom

A spread documenting Room 2

A spread showing material from Soba 25

BIO Ljubljana documentation

An axonometric drawing was made for each of the three rooms

Details of Room 1

Faculty of Architecture building, shot by Klemen Ilovar

Faculty of Architecture building, shot by Klemen Ilovar

The catalog without the dust jacket

Work in progress images were hidden between the flaps of the back page

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