Koordinate zvoka 2

Visuals for the second part of Koordinate zvoka (Coordinates of Sound), a monthly series of concerts in Ljubljana, focused around an orange. Round, bright and textured, it worked well as a recognizable visual symbol for the events. Each poster in the series was made in collaboration with photographer Klemen Ilovar. A simple composition with a belt of information was used to further standardize things, while various typographic approaches were used within that format.

Žiga Murko
Klemen Illovar
Koordinate zvoka 2

First two posters for the series

A selection of typographic bars from some of the posters

Early sketches for the series

Aalto managed to stand still on four oranges for exactly one shot

Last minute collage

A collage with Klemen's photographs from orange archive

Instagram stories for one of the events

The orange helmet was made by Klemen Ilovar, Matija Medved, and Dan Adlešič

Park session images, later used for event promotion on social media

Some photographs came from a careful studio setup, while others were pulled from Klemen’s archive. Back then, I lived in New York and Klemen in Amsterdam, but occasionally when we met we bought a few oranges and tried an improvised session to see what would come of it.

The last two posters done before the show ended

Typographic detail from one of the posters

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Koordinate zvoka 1
edu.arh catalog
Fotopub 2018