
Seasons is a series of prints originally made for an exhibition in Tokyo in December 2023. The exhibition was held at People Contemporary, a small gallery in Shibuya. The series consists of twelve prints and functions as a calendar of seasonal food. Each print shows a fruit or a vegetable that is in season that month or from that month on.

People Contemporary
Shibuya, Tokyo
Gal Šnajder
Naoki Takehisa
Klemen Ilovar
printed matter
January, tangerine
January, tangerine
February, spinach
February, spinach
March, dandelion
March, dandelion
April, asparagus
April, asparagus
May, strawberry
May, strawberry
June, apricots
June, apricots

Some prints used colored paper and instead of using the guillotine, each print was trimmed by hand. The torn ragged edges show the original colors of the paper. Other techniques were also used, including the split-fountain (June, October, December), metallic paint (December), glass particles that imitate snow (February), and green pigment that looks and feels like mold (December).

Torn edge detail, photography by Klemen Ilovar

Installation view from the exhibition in Tokyo

The fruits and vegetables was determined by the seasonal cycles in Ljubljana, with the exception of December, represented by the Japanese seasonal citrus Dekopon, which was also served at the opening.

Installation view from the exhibition in Tokyo

Names of the months were painted on the wall above the prints

All the prints were made by Gal Šnajder at his newly established print house Čiračara in Maribor, Slovenia. Each print is signed and numbered in a limited edition of 15. Some of the prints are available for purchase on this website, depending on the time of year and their seasonal availability.

July, watermelon
July, watermelon
August, tomatoes
August, tomatoes
September, grapes
September, grapes
October, chestnut
October, chestnut
November, pomegranate
November, pomegranate
December, dekopon
December, dekopon

Exhibition signage and wall texts

Print close-ups, photography by Klemen Ilovar

Print close-ups, photography by Klemen Ilovar

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